How to Check Windows 10 Compatibility Test?

 Windows 10 users typically upgrade from Windows Vista/XP/7/8. However, many Windows update errors occur. One of the reasons is that your device is not compatible with Windows 10. This means that your software, apps, and drivers don't work with Windows 10. Specifically, bad drivers could cause havoc with your system. Therefore, you should first run a Windows 10 Compatibility Check before updating. By doing this, we can avoid downloading an OS and running the installation tool to determine whether obvious compatibility problems exist. Furthermore, a Windows 10 compatibility test will allow you to consider a solution before upgrading to Windows 10 if compatibility issues are found.

Windows 10 Compatibility Test


Methods to Check Windows 10 Compatibility Test

You can run the Windows 10 compatibility test or use the Windows 10 compatibility test tool. Here are the methods you can follow to check your compatibility:


1.    Use Windows 10 Compatibility Appraiser Manually

To determine your system's compatibility with Windows 10, run Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser on your computer. Follow these instructions to run a scan:


·         You can type cmd in the search box and then right-click and select Run as administrator.

·         To run the Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser, enter the following command - schtasks.exe /Run /TN "/Microsoft/Windows/Application Experience/Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" and then click Enter.

·         Around 15 minutes will be required for this process to complete. During the compatibility test, if your system fails to run Windows 10, the message "Windows 10 will not run on this system" will appear on the screen, and a few critical bugs will appear that prevent Windows 10 from running.


2.    Use Windows Update Assistant

·         One of the commonly used tools to check if your machine meets the system requirements for Windows 10 is Windows Update Assistant. You can use this tool to check whether your computer meets these requirements.

·         When this tool is launched, you will need to accept the license terms, and it will then scan your device for compatibility with Windows 10. The result will appear once the scanning process is complete.


3.    Run Media Creation Tool

In addition, you can run the Windows 10 compatibility test using Microsoft's own Media Creation Tool to determine whether your PC is capable of running Windows 10. It will give you a notification that your system is not compatible when Windows 10 file sharing is not working. If you do not see a notification, your system has updated and is compatible.


4.    Check Software Compatibility

Windows 10 has been out for users; most software suppliers have already released updated versions of their popular software compatible with Windows 10. Just update your software if you haven't already. If you want to know if your critical or frequently-used apps are compatible with Windows 10, you can visit the developer website.


5.    Check Hardware Specifications and Driver Compatibility

·         Upgrade from Windows Vista/XP/7/8 to Windows 10 should take into consideration the hardware requirements. Driver issues can present a challenge, especially during a recent system update.

·         Therefore, it is important to download the latest drivers from the hardware manufacturer's website and install them after or before you install Windows 10 update so that your system can run smoothly without a hitch.


Once you run the Windows 10 compatibility test, you will know if your existing Windows operating system can be upgraded to Windows 10. Once you have downloaded the results, you need to upgrade your old Windows operating system now to Windows 10.


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